Rotary Club of Ramgarh City - Rotary India

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Total Services 35
General meeting

general meeting was held in arihant 17 members were pre. . .

Kumbh yatra

5 members with their spouses went to kumb yatra

General meeting

general meeting held in arihant 22 members were present. . .

Samosa counter

rotary ramgarh city distributed approx 5000 samosa in jagraan held . . .

Shyam jyoti rath swagat

rotary ramgarh city welcomed shyam jyoti rath by showering flowers . . .

Republic day celebration

Rotary Ramgarh City celebrated republic day on 26th january.Total 2. . .

Rotary family picnic

Rotary family picnic was organised in rukka dam near Ranchi.Total m. . .

General meeting

A general meeting was held in arihant hotel with total no of 20 mem. . .

Attended district conference

club president Rtn Anil Kumar goyal and secretary suraj agarwal att. . .

Invitation from shyam mandir

our 10 members attended shyam mandir meeting in shyam mandir

General Meeting

General meeting held on 18th of december in hotel Arihant,total 22. . .

General meeting

General meeting held on 06 december in hotel Arihant,total 18 membe. . .

General meeting

General meeting held on 26 November in hotel Arihant,total 22 membe. . .

Attended Official visit of dc of innerwheel club

Attended official visit ilof D.C ceremony of innerwheel club of ram. . .

General meeting

general meeting was held in arihant hotel with total 20 members wer. . .

Diwali milan samaroh

Diwali milan samaroh was held in arihant hotel by our club.Total 22. . .

General meeting

General meeting held on 16th October in hotel Arihant,total 20memb. . .

General meeting

General meeting held on 3rd October in hotel Arihant,total 22 memb. . .

Zoom.meeting with rotary india

President Rtn Anil Kumar goyal attended a zoom meeting with Rota. . .

Attended assistant governor meeting

A combine meeting with rotary ramgarh city, rotary ramgarh central,. . .