Rotary Club of Ramgarh City - Rotary India

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Total Services 13
Gift of sight

A eye operation was done under gift of sight to a patient named ra. . .

Blood donation

5 club members donated blood on the banner of sadar hospital and Re. . .

Happy heart andCpr training

On world heart day ,a seminar was organised by our club with collab. . .

Tiranga yatra rally

Tiranga yatra rally was held by Rotary Ramgarh City on the occasion. . .

sanitary pad distribution

Rotary Ramgarh City distributed 300 sanitary pads in CM SOE school . . .

Free Accupressure camp

Free accupressure camp organized by our club Rotary Ramgarh City wi. . .

cervical cancer awareness program

cervical cancer awareness and vaccination campaign program held in. . .

Umbrella and raincoat distribution

Rotary Ramgarh City distributed 100 ps umbrella and 50 ps raincoat . . .

International no use plastic day

on international no plastic day, rotary ramgarh city distributed 20. . .

Tree plantation

On 2nd July tree plantation was done in Omkar school in kankebar w. . .

Mega blood donation camp,

Rotary ramgarh city organized a mega blood donation camp with rotar. . .

C.A day celebration

Rotary ramgarh city celebrated C.A day with C.A Shekhar Sharad in h. . .

Doctor Day Celebration

Rotary Ramgarh City celebrated Dr day on 1st July .5 doctors were f. . .